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Peach Fuzz Felt

As a snack for our teacher meetings yesterday, someone brought a bunch of peaches. They were huge and beautiful and juicy. I took one, and, as I often do, I rubbed the fuzz off of it before I started eating it. After eating the peach, I noticed i had quite a pile of fuzz on the table next to me. I got to wondering: could I make felt out of it? I smashed the fuzz together and rolled it around and mushed it flat. Using the handle of a plastic spoon made it look smooth and fabric-like. But it wouldn’t hold together.

Still, I wonder. Could you somehow bind the fuzz together and actually make felt? And what would a peach fuzz felt hat look like? Awesome, I bet.

It's a pleasant neutral color.

Postscript: Not finding any other references to peach fuzz felt on the internet, I wonder if this could be the first bit of felt made from peach fuzz in the history of the world. In college, I possessed what I believed to be the first walnut ever to be opened with a cordless electric screwdriver, but I traded it for a small wooden box (which is currently holding all my magic items). I will hold on to this small piece of felt for the sake of posterity. Unless a really interesting trade comes along.


  1. Beth

    I think you’ve just given Lauren an idea for her next prototype.

  2. Lloyd

    I would be jealous, but I know that all of your magic items are only +1.

  3. Lauren

    Ha! I have never even heard of someone rubbing the fuzz off of a peach before eating it. (I either peel the peach or eat a nectarine.) Will you keep the pff in the box of magic items? What else is in that box? Who did you trade with to get the box?

    By the way: for fast peach peeling, cut through the skin all around the peach, drop it into boiling water for a few seconds, and it will just slip right off. Same with tomatoes.

    • Brad

      The felt is not magical. I think I’ll keep it somewhere else besides the box.

      I traded with Gina Cavener for the box. I’ve often wondered if she still has the walnut shell.

      The box contains:
      1) A small clay face necklace from Central or South America I got from my Grandpa Hummel. I should be able to control the weather with it, but it is broken and re-glued and has become unreliable.
      2) A pig made from Nebraska mud by Boom Bull. If planted at the base of any plant, the plant will flourish. The drawback: it can only be used once.
      3) A seashell on a string that will make you successful in any endeavor. Michele Suhr wore it in college during her GRE exam. It worked.
      4) A cloisonne necklace of a scarab beetle from the 1982 World’s Fair in Knoxville, Tennessee. I wore it for over a year. Magical properties unknown. But it is magical. I was sure of that.

      • Lauren

        Dang. Your magic is strong. Trade you a yard full of buckeyes for your box of magic?

      • Lloyd

        So… Is the box itself also magical? I mean, apart from the fact that it contains magical objects.

        • Brad

          As far as I know, the box has no magical properties.

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