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The Maryland State Fair… Of Doom

I wrote this post last night in case the power went out overnight. If you’re reading this sentence, I haven’t logged on this morning to change the post. That means I’m still sleeping, or I don’t have electricity.

Happy Birthday, Beth! Yay!

So I wasn’t expecting Hurricane Irene to be much of a big deal for me. As far as I could tell, it was going to be a big thunderstorm. I have a new roof, my basement doesn’t flood, and I’m a heavy sleeper… no big whoop.

Yesterday morning I went to the Maryland State Fair. It was a beautiful day. It was overcast and cool. There were clouds, but no rain. But Hurricane Hysteria was in full swing. Hardly anyone was there. I did my usual things: I had lunch, I walked through the vendor pavilion, I looked at the garden and crafts contest winners, and I ate fair food. It started to rain before I could get Fair Lemonade, but it was an otherwise successful visit.

Ominous clouds...


  1. Carol

    1. Yes, felicitious natal anniversary, Mrs. Pester!! And many more…
    2. Your photo looks familiar – oh, yea: all those CNN shots of downtown NYC after the evacuation of Manhattan. Cheese, now I wish we’d gone to the Fair yesterday, too! No crowds for a change, and it was nice and cool (though humid). Drat.
    3. Praying you are still sleeping, your basement is still dry, and your new roof holds through these winds. Can’t convince the dog to go on the porch due to the wind (he’s always been a wind-o-phobe anyway) and the cat has cabin fever due to his prolonged indoor incarceration (I think I heard him talking to his lawyer on my cell phone actually). Our four-legged co-habitants could be the sourcdfes of our only hurricane damage…..’course, I have no plans to go check our basement any time soon….

  2. Beth

    YAY! Happy Birthday to me!! πŸ™‚

    I cant’ imagine you’re still sleeping at 7:15 am. I don’t even think that’s possible for you anymore. But I hope you are. Being without electricity stinks. But you being without electricity would explain my weird dream last night about losing electricity. Since we’re pyschically connected and all.

    And you going to the fair reminds me of how when we were little, living in Tennessee, and we’d have a snow day. The rest of the city would be hunkered down in their living rooms, and we’d be in the car cruising around the Knoxville streets with Dad picking friends up to play for the day. No stinkin’ snow (insert hurricane) was going to stop him (insert you)! Embrace the Dadness!

  3. Lauren

    Such excitement! I kept checking cnn.com last night to check up on you. I’m praying for you and your coast, and you have my deepest condolences regarding your lemonade. πŸ™

    Happy Birthday, Beth!

  4. Peggy

    Happy Birthday Beth!! To bad our hurricane didn’t have your name.

    I’m with power…..but I awoke to a big ‘ol pine tree on my deck. And another tree on the side of the house is down. Other than that, no damage. But the tree removal is gonna be a bugger!

  5. Brad

    The power is back on! Yay! I don’t know how people entertained themselves before they had electricity. I was so bored, I cleaned my house a little! Then I went to IKEA. IKEA was more fun than cleaning.

    • Lauren

      I believe the early Americans also went to IKEA to alleviate their boredom.

  6. Carol

    What?! No posting about how 65 Balto. Co. schools have no electricity or have storm damage and therefore they, along with Balto. City and several other MD county school systems, have chosen to (…wait for it…..) CLOSE tomorrow, which would have been the first day OPEN for several months. The good news? I can still sleep past 5 am, get to campus when I doggone please, and I’ll get to see some of our house lifting process tomorrow if I want to. The bad news? There goes one of our potential snow days already….drat!

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