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Three Days

While browsing on the internet, I stumbled upon a site that talked about funny stuff people saw at work. There was a particular post that I thought was really funny. I was able to find a copy of the sign involved, so I put it up in the workroom at school:

Three seemed like a good number.

If you’d like to print the sign for yourself, there is a copy of it HERE.

UPDATE: I’ve decided to change the number on the sign to 10 because we’ve had ten days of school so far. I think I might try to keep changing the number. In that way, I can count how many days of school we’ve had. It’ll be fun!


  1. Lauren

    Ha! I love that!!! I so want to print that, except that I work in an environment filled with dinosaurs. Just the other day a T-Rex was trying to take out a Tonka truck.

    Dinosaurs – they have such bad manners.

  2. Peggy

    You know that age old question: If a tree falls in the forest & no one hears it…does it make a sound?
    Well, If a velociraptor is not seen, could it still be there?

    (Here’s hoping there will continue to be no sightings…thus allowing your school days count to continue!)

  3. Peggy

    PS….What’s the site with funny things people see at work?

  4. Kristi

    Is the brush on the side for sweeping away velociraptor droppings? Is that how you know if they’ve been sighted or not?

    • Carol

      HA! Good one…

  5. Lloyd

    Printing it off now…

  6. Carol

    I guess everything’s alright so long as we don’t see what I saw at this page:


    (Some day you’ll have to show me how to make “HERE” a live link. Please. Thank you.)

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