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Raleigh Ringers

I went to see the Raleigh Ringers yesterday. This wasn’t my first time to see them. Three and a half years ago, I saw them in Omaha.

This time, one the ringers from my church handbell group knew they were coming and asked if I wanted to go. I’m glad she did. It was really fun. The concert was in Hagerstown, which is an hour and a half away. The extra driving time was a little bit of a drag. I rushed home from church (where we played handbells 🙂 ), and slammed some cereal down, then met Diane and her sister, mom, and friend for the drive to Hagerstown. I was sooo sleepy on the way there, but I felt like it would have been impolite to sleep, so I forced myself to stay awake. It made my eyeballs hurt.

The concert was GREAT! They played a mix of Christmas music and regular music. One of my favorites was an original piece called “Escape Velocity”. They used a ringing technique I had never seen before. The director called it “singing bells”. They ran a wooden dowel around the edge of the bell and it sang like a wine glass. I was astounded.

Either the iPhone camera really stinks, or I need to learn how to use it.

On the trip home we stopped for food. I was sooo sleepy, but I felt like it would have been impolite to sleep, so I forced myself to stay awake. It made my eyeballs hurt. On the drive from our meeting point to my home, I almost felt like I was hallucinating. It was after 8:30pm! When I got home, I could just barely get my contacts out before collapsing on the bed. Whew!

But it was worth it. The Raleigh Ringers are awesome.


  1. Lauren

    Well, I’m sorry for your sore eyeballs, but I’m delighted you got to see a great concert! Now I want to get a wooden dowel and a bell and see what damage I can do. I’ve played with a singing bowl before, but it seems like a bell would be ringier. (That’s a real word. Don’t bother fact-checking.)

  2. Peggy


  3. Carol

    I do love these guys and know they are available on YouTube for anyone who wants to experience their bell-ringing prowess. Glad you got to go see/hear them in person. ‘Tis the season and all…

    (How are the eyeballs today?)

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