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Permanent Damage

I hurt my pinky almost two months ago. I didn’t really know what to do about it. I’ve said before that I don’t mind pain… I just want to avoid permanent damage. I babied the finger at first, then after a month thought I should maybe be exercising it to keep in flexible (it started hurting, so I stopped). Yesterday, to my chagrin, I noticed that my hurt pinky is bigger than my unhurt pinky. I may have permanent damage. Dang.

I kept delaying a visit to the doctor because I didn’t go right away and things seemed okay and then it would hurt again, but then it would stop, and I didn’t want to go to the doctor and have nothing be wrong and then feel like a little kid who isn’t hurt that bad but needs a Band-Aid to make him feel better…

So now I have a big pinky knuckle. Maybe it’s just swollen or something and it will go away. Or maybe it will become one of those joints that can predict the weather.

The damaged one is on the left.  It's my right hand.


  1. Lauren

    I vote for going to the doctor anyway. I went for a hurt finger and yes, he said to ice it and take ibuprofen, but it did get better.

    I’d ask your doctor for an x-ray and full series of tests, then have him start you on broad-spectrum antibiotics and steroids until he meets a circus clown and then has an epiphany about what’s really wrong with you, thus saving the day before the 60 minutes are up. (Unless you’re part one of a two-part episode.)

    • Carol

      Lauren…you make my morning. Thanks again for the chuckle…send me your bill.

      • Lloyd

        Lauren is not a duck.

        • Brad

          If she were, sending her bill would be inadvisable, as it would require major surgery and the installation of a prosthesis.

        • Peggy


          But it appears that Brad is now a mutant! Ehhxcellent!

          Does it still hurt?

          • Brad

            It does still hurt. But I’ve been chalking that up to “stiffness” or some such phenomenon. I can’t imagine it’s still fractured after two months.

  2. Michele

    1) I can see the picture was taken on your porch. Was Denis home OR did you set it on the railing and use a timer OR did you stop a bank patron to take the picture?

    2) Casey is on week 4 of a broken thumb. It happened on a Friday night. We waited until Monday evening to get an xray and confirm the break. We did the wrap with a splint thing for a few weeks until she had numbness. THEN after 3 weeks decided to see an orthopedic who just put a different splint on and said see me in 10 days. Ugh! MORAL: There is no right way to go about it!

    3) I recommend cutting it off so you can impress your students and have something interesting to talk about when meeting someone new. (or someone old !)

    • Brad

      1) I set the camera on the railing. I went outside because the light was better out there.

      2) That makes me feel better about not going to the doctor. And I’m also glad to hear that Casey is still having pain this many weeks after her break. I mean, I’m not glad Casey is in pain, but I’m glad to hear that’s normal. Maybe there’s hope for me after all.

      3) My Grandpa Hummel had a run-in with a lawn mower and had some stubby fingers. I don’t think I could do that though. My lawn mower’s blades are so dull, and it’s past lawn mowing season.

  3. Peggy

    Wait….is this pinky on the same hand with the hurt thumb knuckle? Maybe you should just get rid of this hand altogether.

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