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Location Reminders

I’ve been trying to set my phone for reminders to go off when I get to certain destinations. I wouldn’t use it all the time because it drains the battery to have the phone constantly check to see where I am, but every once in a while, it would be nice to remember to do the laundry when I get home or to remember to get whole mustard seeds when I get to the grocery store.

I knew how to set reminders, but the option to “remind me at a location” wasn’t showing up for me.
I wanted to get sticks so I could stake my orchid bloom spikes.

Karla made a heroic effort to help me. We texted back-and-forth. She consulted the internet. She introduced me to menu screens on my phone I didn’t know existed. We couldn’t figure it out. One of the screens I saw was email settings. I had only entered my Hotmail email in my phone so I could send a picture to myself. The mail was switched off, but the calendar and reminders from Hotmail were still on. I don’t know why, but Hotmail has a bunch of peoples’ birthdays as January 1 and was pushing all that wrong information to my phone’s calendar. I decided to switch off all Hotmail settings, including “reminders”.

I was curious then, so I asked Siri to set a reminder for me. It worked! Woo hoo! But it was too late. I already remembered the sticks. I did get a kick out of my conversation with Siri though:

Me: Siri, remind me to get sticks.
Siri: Okay. I’ve set a reminder. When do you want me to remind you?
Me: When I get home.
Siri: I don’t know where you live. In fact, I don’t know anything about you.

Ha! She then proceeded to tell me how to enter my address and such, but I turned her off. I was driving back from getting some carryout.


  1. Lauren

    Siri – is she a friend…… or a slave?

    Technology today is completely overwhelming to me. Yesterday I had a four-year-old tell me about his iPod (his brother’s hand-me-down).

    Did you get your address entered after you ate?

  2. Karla

    You an siri need to spend more time together. She has a charming sense of humor. Don’t forget to ask her where you can bury a body.

  3. Peggy

    Sticks to stake your orchid blooms ‘ay? Didn’t Siri alert you that that’s not a very good cover for vampire hunting?

    Hey, can you program Siri to compliment you thru out the day: You are doing an excellent job. You look fantastic. You sing like an angel. Your teeth are very white, and your feet are quite small.

  4. Carol

    This is all very creepy to me. I occasionally think people will think I’ve flipped out because I talk to our dog or cat. If they overheard me deeply engaged in conversation with a 2″ x 4″ piece of silicone circuitry in my palm…”Wait! I think I hear sirens and see men in white coats coming toward me.”

    Overwhelming indeed…but congrats on getting the reminder to work! (I’m ecstatic when the alarm on my StupidPhone goes off more than ten minutes before a church meeting starts – and I actually notice it. Guess I’m easy that way…)

  5. Peggy

    PS….So there’s a GPS in your phone?

    • Brad

      It’s one of my favorite features. At first I was a little uncomfortable with the idea that if someone hacked my phone my every movement would be recorded for them. But now I’m used to that idea and I don’t really care. I use my phone for directions and for seeing what streets are around my current location. I’m always surprised when I see open spaces in the city… a park or a ball field or whatever. “Siri, where am I?” shows my location on a street map. 🙂

      • Peggy

        Unbelievable! And awesome! I want a Siri ! Does she cook too?

  6. Michele

    Sounds like you and Siri need a date night!

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