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Set for Life

Four and a half years ago, I got some new silverware. I got it from Tuesday Morning (a discount store), which means it was cheap, but also means there was only one box. I haven’t lost any teaspoons, but all these years I’ve lived in fear that I would have company over and need more than eight. It did happen a couple of times and when it did, I would use a different size utensil for me and hope that no one noticed.

I’ve been looking at other silverware patterns, but I really like mine. It’s shiny and non-frilly and really heavy. A little while ago, I decided to search the internet for my actual pattern. It’s called Oneida Ovations Oakland (thank you, memory archive). I found it! Someone was selling a set on Ebay! Woo hoo! Not having an Ebay account, I asked Beth if she would get it for me. She did. And it came yesterday. Woo hoo!

Eight more of everything, PLUS extra serving utensils!

This set is used, but it’s in perfect shape. Is it weird to eat from utensils that some strangers had in their mouths? Maybe, but I don’t care. I LOVE this silverware. And now that I have a double set, I won’t need to get new silverware for the rest of my life. Awesome!

I washed the silverware using the “Sani-Rinse” setting on my dishwasher. The internet says that uses the heating element to heat the water to lava-hot during the wash cycle. I think things are sterilized…
Hot water, hot air.


  1. Lauren

    That’s the same dishwasher we have at school, and it is approved by our licensing agency to sanitize your dishes.

    Your silverware is awesome! How great that you have extras now. There is a spoon at school that I absolutely adore, but it has no manufacturer markings on it, so there’s no way to find out who made it. 🙁

  2. Peggy

    That’s cool!

    I bought 2 sets of my Oneida, but there are some pieces missing now. And it bothers me. Maybe I’ll look on Ebay.

    Or maybe I’ll wait for more pieces to go missing…..and get 2 new sets altogether.

  3. Carol

    Awesome find – good for you!!! [On-line is how Thurman found the now discontinued Corelleware set we are introducting as we find more pieces for sale by individuals. Still looking for gravy boat and a few other odds and ends, but we could actually have two guests for dinner now…if we were ever home to cook anything…]

    …and think about it: if it were somehow weird to eat using utensils another family had used first, nobody would ever come to your house for Dinner for Eight, for example, would they? You should be good to go, particularly now that your utensils have been practically autoclaved. Whew – I’m schwitzin’ just thinking about that rinse cycle!

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