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The sidewalk right in front of the middle school building has been full of bird poop. Its poopy whiteness was hard to miss against the dark cement. I avoided stepping on it. I am normally a don’t-step-on-the-cracks person, so I look down as I walk.
Watch out for the cracks!  Watch out for the poop!

But as I thought about it, the poop was kind of weird. There are no trees or power lines above this section of sidewalk. The birds who left this poop had to have been flying. Then I noticed that all the poops had the same diagonal strike pattern. Was this a squadron of birds who were intentionally trying to strafe the school? Have the birds declared war? Should we be worried? I’m keeping my eye on you, birds. I’m keeping my eye on you.

Can you see the lines?


  1. Lauren

    Well, your mother’s unbroken back is a testament to your diligence.

    And what’s with using the unusual big words again? ‘Strafe’? Way to heighten the reading level of your audience. (At least in this house. Er, this chair. πŸ˜‰ )

  2. Carol

    Seems to me they might be taking off from homes acorss Concordia Drive there, then heading for the traffic circle after potentially relieving themselves on unsuspecting students or faculty walking below. If your photos show how much “product” didn’t hit its mark, imagine how many laundry days begin with this question: “What is this white stuff and why is it only on the shirts’ shoulders?”

  3. Peggy

    You should probably start wearing a hat to work … or a helmet.

    Speaking of animal poop, have you ever seen a hippo go? We had the previledge (the volunteer said it was very rare to see this) of that in Florida at a wildlife park. They spin their tails like a windmill super fast and it goes EVERYWHERE! I was going to post a video, but it was too gross. So here’s this instead:


    • Brad

      HAHAHA! I laughed out loud. πŸ˜€
      It was a much better choice than hippos pooping.

  4. Deborah

    After I read your post, I walked the girls to school and noticed a similar bird poop pattern in our neighbor’s driveway. I’ll try to keep a watch out and catch them in the act.

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