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Undercover Black Cocoa Monday

Donut Monday has continued… except when I’ve forgotten it’s Monday because the days all run together. A week ago, there were some new Dunkin Donuts available to help advertise the new Men in Black movie. One was a filled, star-shaped, iced donut called Undercover Black Cocoa. On a whim I got a couple. And on a whim I ate one. Oh… My… Gosh… The filling was really good. It was different than anything I’ve ever had from Dunkin.
So dark and delicious!

Then I found out what the filling was. It’s brownie batter! YUM! So yesterday for Donut Monday, I got six of them. There was one left by the time I had my lunch at 1:00pm. Whew! I’m glad, because if there wasn’t I would have had to go out to get more.
I always try to get some chocolate, some blonde, and some fruity.

I’m thinking that maybe next week I’ll get a bunch of these for myself and just squeeze the insides into my mouth. Mmm… brownie batter….


  1. Lauren

    Don’t you know that’s where brownie batter comes from? Farmers grow crops of donuts, harvest them, then send them to the factories to be juiced. Pfffff – you’re such a city boy.

    • Carol

      HA! Nice one, Lauren…

  2. Carol

    …and down the hall we celebrated the newest Hallmark holiday: Muffin Monday. My 6 8th grade boys had their final debate and after ajudication we celebrated with apple spice or banana nut muffins (one remained and found its way into the Dunkin box, in case anyone had questions about that…).

    [Perhaps the new Hallmark cards for Donut and Muffin Monday might read something like this: Yummy carbs greet us with the sunrise…deliciousness enough to make one’s eyes water…all hail, breakfast bakery goods! Or, perhaps, I should not give up the day job just yet…]

  3. Beth

    I hate you for your Dunkin’ Donuts. And especially for continuing to taunt me with them.


    • Jill

      I’m with Beth.

      • Deborah

        Me, too.

    • Curt

      I concur.

      (not really, I just wanted to keep saying that)

  4. Peggy

    Genius idea isn’t it! I hope they keep this donut after the movie is gone.

    And I wonder how cake batter or cookie dough would be in a donut. Oh Lauren….I think a prototype is calling!

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