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Killing Grease-Eating Ants with Borax: Trial Three

I’ve had some limited success!

I decided to try some kind of canned meat. Deviled ham came to mind because, though I’d never had it, I imagined it to be a smooth and smushy kind of meat.
They've got to like it!  It's premium quality!

I decided to mix the meat and borax half-and-half. I don’t know if borax completely dissolves and covers the meat, or if it stays in its granulated form or what. I just tried to mix it thoroughly.
It looks like the beginning of a delicious recipe.

And here’s the “success” part: The ants liked it!
Mmm... Tasty....

But the not successful part was that the mixture dried up quickly. And the ants seemed to lose interest even if I re-moistened it with some water. And I didn’t keep the rest of the deviled ham, so I couldn’t replenish. And the ants aren’t gone.

Incidentally – I tasted the deviled ham. I don’t care for it.


  1. Peggy

    Dang, those ants are going to town on that stuff! (Ack!)

    Maybe it’s the deviling they like. And beings they’re such finicky eaters, maybe you could try ‘deviling’ other foods to satisfy their palets. Good luck!

  2. Peggy

    Oh, & did your power ever come back on? Was last night like another ‘New Orleans’ like sleeping night?

    • Brad

      My power was not on all night. It was a pretty miserable night. I love air conditioning. I’m at the mall now, so I don’t know if the power is back on or not. The radio said half of the Baltimore area was out of power.

  3. Beth

    Have you tried borax and mayo? Seems that might be worth trying. I don’t know why.

    • Brad

      That’s a good idea. But I’ll have to buy some mayonnaise. I don’t keep any on hand because… you know…. *jibblie* *jibblie*

  4. Carol

    Praying all the Baltimore Bradaptation-ers are still whole – we read about the storms from our hotel room this morning. Should anybody be in our neighborhood for any reason and choose to check on our home…………?

    As for the daggum ants: we were at the North American Bear Center in Ely, MN, yesterday learning about how long the black bear’s tongue is and how, like anteaters, they enjoy a yummy ant snack when they can find it. Seems that’s your answer, mister: call Rent-a-Bear and invite over a hungry one…while you are still at the mall, of course…and Max is having a sleep-over in someone else’s windowsill, I should think…just an idea now!

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