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A Beginner Backpacking: Day One

The first day was a success! We got dropped off at the Maryland/Pennsylvania border at 10:30 and started our southern trek. Early on, we hit a huge upward climb. It was really disheartening until Brady read in the guide book that it was the worst incline we’ll experience the whole trip.

The path is very rocky, so I spent most of my time looking at my feet so I didn’t sprain my ankle. Every once in a while I could look up. The forest is lush and beautiful. The trees shaded the path so it was cooler than I expected. I still sweated enough to soak my clothes many times over. Brady is the fastest walker. He’s been practicing and working out. Tony (Brady’s neighbor) is young and bounces back quickly after rests. I pant when I get tired. I pant really loud. I’ve explained to them that the panting is normal and that if I stop panting, they should be worried. 🙂

Here is that first horrible incline. The path is marked in white paint on the trees.


I am glad to have a walking stick. It really helps with inclines and declines. In flat areas, I tuck it into my backpack strap.

Okay, so how does it feel? The walking part is not that bad. Going up hills makes my legs tired, but everything else isn’t too hard. But the backpack. Oh, the backpack. The ache in my shoulders and neck is a level of pain I haven’t experienced in a long, long time. I am glad to not know Tony. It makes my pride keep me from complaining too much.

There were side trails that led to scenic views. They were beautiful.


We were exhausted when we got to camp. We ate a lot, then had to quickly get in our tents because it started to rain. We were prepared for that though, so we were dry as we went to sleep. Since I’m writing this at night, I can’t tell you how the night ended. Did we stay dry? Did we sleep well? I’ll have to update if I can.

Our camp site:


UPDATE: It rained a lot last night. The tarp under us inside our tent kept us from being wet. Thank you, guy who wrote the book I read. This morning everything feels damp, but it’s not wet. I’m glad for that. The rain stopped around midnight, so that’s when I fell asleep. I slept well and I’m ready to hike some more today. Once I get all the contents of my backpack inside it again. They’re in a jumbled mess inside the tent.


  1. Beth

    Oh. My. Goodness!!

    It’s beautiful! And you’re having an adventure! And I hate you just a little! And I mean that in the nicest possible way!

  2. Lauren

    Zoinks! That incline is pretty intimidating. I’m glad there are better slopes to come.

    It looks fabulous! The scenery is magnificent, and I bet you appreciate it all the more for not driving to it.

    I hope you slept well, and didn’t have to get up in the night too much. I’m so curious about what you do to keep everything dry. If it rains again tonight, could you maybe take a bunch of pictures for a later post? What did you eat for dinner? How did you cook dinner? Can you just Skype me from your campsite?

    Full of questions,

  3. Carol

    Good to “hear” from you, as it was hotter than the hinges of Hoboken in B’more itself yesterday. I kept shooting arrow prayers for everyone (e.g.,”Please let them stay hydrated!”, “Please don’t let anyone get sick from this heat and humidity!” “Please let any bears in the area find these men particularly distasteful!”); glad to see these prayers apparently reached their Destination….

  4. Deborah

    I’ve been on the trail once and was surprised that for such a famous trail, it’s not that nice. You would think it would be wide and covered with soft wood chips.

  5. Kristi

    I don’t see any white paint on the trees to mark the way. Is this what happened to Hansel and Gretel?

  6. Peggy

    Wait. In that 1st picture — the rocks on the trail that you mention, are those rocks the boulders in the picture? If so, holy moly …. I’d never make it thru there without falling flat on my face!

    So glad you made it thru the storm unscathed! Continue to enjoy your most excellent adventure!! And thanks for the pictures! Love them.!

  7. Dad Palmer

    Way to go Brady and guys, and staying dry, too…but what was all the graffiti about? Did you bring your spray paint? You are half way now, no turning back… If my wife was along we would have stopped in Hagerstown at the outlet mall.

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