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Hangin’ With the Kittens

Yesterday during the day everybody was at work. When I’m at home in Baltimore, I normally find little ways to stay busy: I keep working on my house Projects, I clean or straighten up, I pull some weeds. Here in Nebraska I couldn’t do any of that. All I could do was sit around. It was awesome! Woo hoo!

In the morning, I hung out with Lloyd and Lauren’s kittens. I watched some TV while they played and slept and played and slept. When they slept, they liked to snuggle with each other or with me.

I had lunch at the college cafeteria with my dad and mom and Brent and Beth. Rachel even stopped by. It was cool. Then a little more down time, then picking up Tara and Tim from school.

We ended the evening with a Birthday dinner for Harold at a barbecue place. It was delicious, and the perfect end to a hard day of work (for everybody else… hehe…)


  1. Lauren

    Awwwwww….. I am simultaneously jealous and happy. A day with the kittens sounds magnificent! Kittens are like bacon – they make everything more awesome, except not by eating them.

    I so wish you would have taken a picture of the Original Royuk Five eating lunch together!

  2. Peggy

    I double that Awwwww! You all look so comfy together.

    Did you sing them Soft Kitty Brad?

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