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An Outing

I went to school really early yesterday and got hours of work done before church started. Woo hoo! That left me with the rest of Sunday (after church) to do anything! I decided to go for a drive in Kihei because I haven’t done any exploring there at all.

First, I needed something to eat. I was really craving pancakes, but Siri couldn’t find a place that served them in Kihei. Instead, I went to a place called Coconuts to have some fish. They are really famous for their fish tacos. I had never eaten a fish taco because frankly, they scare me. But I decided to be brave and order some.
One order was two tacos.  This is only one taco.

They were good, but very spicy, and also horse-radishy. I liked them well enough, but I probably won’t get them again. They lighted a terrible acid fire in my belly that lasted until bedtime.

After eating, I decided to drive way south in Kihei. I drove right past a Denny’s. D’oh! I could have gotten pancakes there! Eventually, Kihei ended and I found myself in Wailea. It’s really fancy! I kept driving, and entered a desert-looking area. I’m guessing it’s what Kihei looked like before it was developed. It was cool. There were giant cactus trees along the road. I didn’t get a very good picture, but I’m posting it anyway:
It was twice as tall as me.

The road looked like it might end, and then there were suddenly LOTS of cars parked on it. Then I saw signs that said “Big Beach”. I had to see what that was all about, so I parked and walked out there. It was a big beach. And very beautiful. I walked on it a little, but I was still in my church clothes, so I was a little self-conscious. Some day I’ll have to swim there. The waves looked fun.
There was a small island across the way.


  1. Lauren

    I love it! “Big beach” – it was a big beach. That’s my kinda naming. It’s very idyllic looking.

    I’m so glad that you got to go exploring! How on earth are there cactus plants growing in the middle of a tropical paradise? That is crazy.

    • Brad

      It hardly ever rains in Kihei. Any clouds that would carry moisture are caught and emptied by Haleakala or the West Maui Mountains. Water, water everywhere, and not a drop to garden.

  2. Carol

    [Lauren stole all my stuff today. I got nuttin’…]

  3. Beth

    What island is that on the horizon?

  4. Peggy

    I’m with ‘ya on those fish tacos….they’re as appealing as a mustard filled donut!

    But that beach!! Oh my, I would so love to be there! And church clothes or not….I would have taken off my shoes & socks and strolled on the water’s edge. And then planted myself down for the afternoon.

    Do you think the water’s cold this time of year?
    And do you suppose all roads end at a beach on Maui?
    Is that a shark fin in the water….left hand side?

    • Brad

      The water is less warm than usual, but it is not cool.
      Almost all roads run along beaches here, so any time they end is next to a beach.
      People here say you will only see sharks in murky water, or at dawn or dusk. Maybe it was a very small whale.

      • Beth

        Or a finch!

  5. Kim Hoffman

    Put a beach bag in your car! Evidently you need to be ready at all times.

    • Brad

      Great idea! You are on fire with your advice lately! Just yesterday I decided to keep my hat in my car so I could be shielded from the sun at a moment’s notice. How hard would it be to also have a swimsuit, towel, and sunscreen? Not hard at all, that’s how hard!

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