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Last night was the bingo fundraiser for my old school. My friend and former co-worker Angie always gets a table of people together, and this year was no exception. I was excited to accept her invitation. Many good friends were there. Michele brought pictures of her new granddaughter. So cute! So tiny! She did not have any pictures with a quarter for scale though. I’ll be waiting for that, Michele.

It was fun to see former students and co-workers. I was ravenously hungry for some reason and bought many concessions. I also ate a bunch of food that my table mates brought. I felt guilty because I didn’t bring anything myself, but not guilty enough to stop eating.

The bingo was fun. We were close to the front. John, the number caller, is the accountant for the school. He was a good friend while I worked there. He was a great caller.

The kid behind me made funny comments while he played.

The kid behind me made funny comments while he played.

And our years-old curse was finally broken. Someone at our table won a bingo! It was Angie. She got a Vera Wang Bradley tote that had scrapbooking stuff inside it. Yay!

Congratulations, Angie!

Congratulations, Angie!


  1. Carol

    ..and oh, the pickle rolls! The “Take Five” pretzel combos!! The peanut butter-filled pretzel nuggets!!!! (No, wait….I brought those myself).

    My big excitement last night (heaven knows it had nothing to do with WINNING anything….but I digress) was in seeing both a former employee and the lady who bought our cross stitch business from us. It had been far too long, and it was good to catch up again with them. One just never knows when lives will cross, I guess. (I noticed their table did not seem to have nearly the yummy snacks ours did, though.)

    Good to see you, sir! Praying for more in-person opportunities throughout the year….

  2. Peggy

    Yay Angie!!! Winning is so fun!

    And I bet John was a great caller! He’s such a nice guy & super hilarious!!

  3. Lauren

    What a fun night! Congratulations to Angie, and way to be the curse-breaker! It’s cool that you got to play multiple cards. Oh, the agony of just playing one! (Memories from elementary school.)

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