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Not Scalding

I’ve been working a lot of evening shifts lately, but yesterday was an earlier shift. I wouldn’t normally work on Sunday morning, but someone asked off, so I got scheduled to work. Anyway, since it was an earlier morning, I decided to get some coffee. I would have made it at home, but I thought of it too late, so I had to stop at Dunkin Donuts.

Their coffee is always too hot for me to drink, so I brought some ice cubes from home. After adding the ice to my coffee, I was on my way. I didn’t even have to wait for my first drink because I had cooled my coffee, so I went to take a drink. The top popped off the cup and a third of my coffee spilled onto my seat and floor. AAHH!

Thank goodness it wasn’t super hot. I wasn’t burned. I pulled over and cleaned it up as best as I could.

As I got into my truck after work, it smelled like coffee. Nice! Maybe I should spill coffee in my truck more often. As an added bonus, I got coffee on my handbell music, and now it looks like antique parchment.

'tis an old composition...

’tis an old composition…


  1. Lauren

    That’s looking on the bright, old, coffee-scented side!

    Didn’t Kathryn spill hot coffee on her foot in college? I remember she burned the bejeebees out of her ankle with it, so good thinking with the ice cubes.

  2. Carol

    Ask Kim H some day about the joys of coffee- and tea-staining in needlework; she has a story there as well .

    The month after I got my first Forester – granted, it was used, but new to me! – I set out on a road trip to the Mt Vernon area for a needlework show. Got coffee at a Panera early on, made too severe a turn, and suddenly the passenger side rug was dripping in coffee and the mat was permanently stained. I was mad/sad about it until I learned as you did that it made the car smell pleasantly like a coffee shop each time I got in. Why has nobody yet come up with a coffee-scented air freshener, I have to ask?!

  3. Peggy

    Mmmmm…..a coffee house smell!

    I spilled a whole milk shake on the passenger side floor of my car once….and lets just say I wasn’t as lucky as you were with a wonderful lingering aroma.

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