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Indoor Fountain

My downstairs bathroom faucet broke. The top just popped out and turned the whole deal into a fountain. I needed a replacement anyway. The light fixture in the bathroom is bronze. It bothered me that the faucet was chrome. I want my bathroom metals to match. Now I have a reason to get a new bronze-colored faucet.

The baby shampoo is for Gus.

The baby shampoo is for Gus.


  1. Carol

    You were there when the fountain began, or did you come home to a holy mess and the wonder of how many gallons of water for which the city will now bill you? (“Gee…thanks for THAT thought!”)

    I agree – metals must match; much success finding just the right one…that won’t pop out later either.

  2. Lauren

    … but if the faucet is bronze, what will you do about that chrome drainhole? 😉

    Sorry about your faucet, but it would have been cool to see a picture of the fountain!

    • Peggy

      …and what color is the handle on your toilet? Will that match? It’s never ending. That’s why I don’t worry about my metals matching.

      (Actually I never even thought about metals matching until I read this post. Metals are supposed to match? Oops. But wait, haven’t you ever heard of tri-colored gold? Those pieces are just beautiful!!!)

    • Brad

      A new drainhole often comes with a faucet. I’ll try to find a package deal. And replacing the toilet handle is fairly straightforward. Even the fancy ones are only around $10. Easy peasy!

      • Peggy

        Hehe….I was just kidding…but you apparently are not.

        • Brad

          Hehe… How could I go to the trouble of matching my faucet and light if I didn’t also match the other metals?

          • Peggy

            True. True. Silly, uncultured me.

  3. Bev Greunke

    Glad the water went down the drain, instead of on the floor!! And it’s good that your repairs happen infrequently, it’s easier on the check book/credit card….and not so overwhelming, you’ve had enough of that with the fire. I can’t wait to see your “New” one fix at a time house….. <3 Aunt Bev 🙂

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