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Retirement Ceremony

Sandra’s brother’s retirement ceremony was yesterday. It was at The National Museum of the Marine Corps in Quantico, VA. Since Brent and Sandra were heading to New Orleans after the ceremony, I followed them down in my truck. I was constantly reminded why Anna called their rental car “Tim”.



The museum was really big and very beautiful. I think it is a stylized mast and sail.

The weather was beautiful.

The weather was beautiful.

The ceremony was held right in the middle of the main area in the museum. There were many military people there.

It was fun just to stand and watch everyone.

It was fun just to stand and watch everyone.

The ceremony itself was really cool. Everyone said really nice things about Craig. The last part of it was where he was relieved from duty. It was very moving.

This was somewhere in the middle of the ceremony.

This was somewhere in the middle of the ceremony.

Afterward, everyone went upstairs for refreshments. I looked over the balcony for a while. I suddenly heard my name from a distance. It was Anna and her cousins. Can you see them?

It was really cool to see Sandra’s family. Not all of them were there, but some were there that I haven’t seen in years and years. I’m sort of related to them, so it was fun to catch up a little.

I think the Romans would have had a name for the sister of your brothers wife.

I think the Romans would have had a name for the sister of your brothers wife.


  1. Lauren

    Hooray, Craig! Thank you for your service, sir! I am so glad you all got to be there, and what a gorgeous setting!

    So Brent & Sandra rent a car for vacation, huh? I know some other people who do that so it saves wear and tear on their car. Interesting…..

  2. Carol

    Cool building alright. I believe I have seen churches built in similar style for similar reason. Congratulations and heartfelt thanks to Craig for his (insert proper number of decades) service to our nation!

    [This does look a bit like the Coast Guard retirement event Thurman and I had the pleasure of attending in mid-June alright. And I agree – even as non-military, all the pomp and circumstance for the honoree was moving. Glad you got to go!]

  3. Gretchen

    Very cool! Did you check out the museum at all? I’ve been there twice and it is great.

  4. Peggy

    What a great experience! Congratulations Craig & happy retirement! Enjoy!

    When my son Matt graduated from flight school, it was held in the museum at Fort Rucker and looked quite similar to this museum. He’s just beginning as an Aviator.

    Go Army! (sorry….don’t throw things at me)

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