Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.


I was up early yesterday morning, and I decided I wanted some coffee. As I was in the kitchen making some delicious brew, I heard some weird noises through the open window. I looked out, and there was a squirrel on my porch! It was posing on a rock. I think it must like me because of the birdseed I put out all the time.

Awww... He's kind of cute.

Awww… He’s kind of cute.

It’s funny, because I used to not like the squirrels that came to my bird feeder because they would make a mess. But since I’ve had cats coming to my yard and killing birds, the squirrels don’t seem so bad now.

I was up early and drinking coffee because I did the message in church yesterday. HERE it is for the archive.


  1. Lauren

    Wow. You tackled a tough topic in your message and you did it well. I appreciate that you said predestination is tough to understand, because it is. Great job!

    Also, your post title is spot-on. 🙂

    • Lauren

      Rats. My smiley face is the link. It didn’t turn it blue.

    • Carol

      Amen, sister – preach it! (Or let Brad preach it – he seems to do very well. 😉 )

  2. Bev Greunke

    Very Good Picture…..You had Mr. (or Mrs. ) Squirrel posed perfectly!! 🙂

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