Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.

Temporary Inattention

Happy Birthday Beth! Woo hoo! I hope it’s awesome, and that a lot of people say “Happy Birthday” when they pass you in the hallway at school. It’s a milestone birthday, everybody! It ends in 0!

And now, our regularly scheduled program…

Before I make my commute to or from work, I try to check the traffic report. I mostly rely on the radio because a local news station gives a report every ten minutes. I can usually catch the report from the time I get in my truck to the time I have to decide which route to take.

The problem is that I have some sort of weird issue when trying to listen to the full report. The report ends up sounding like this:

“There is some slowing on (some road I don’t use)…
…(unintelligible words while I daydream)…

Oh! He said ‘beltway’! I should pay attention!

But then it’s too late. There’s already a carpet cleaning commercial on.

It happens way more often that I would expect – so often that it doesn’t seem like a coincidence. Maybe something is triggering my inattention. Was I hypnotized at one time and told that I should daydream whenever I hear the words “traffic report?” Or did an amnesia-triggering traumatic event happen to me once while listening to someone talk about congestion on the beltway? I may never know.

This is from a couple of days ago.  Yesterday I stayed at school pretty late.

This is from a couple of days ago. Yesterday I stayed at school pretty late.


  1. Lauren

    Ha! That is hilarious! I hope you weren’t hypnotized (traffic report) because…. now, on the count of three, give me a million dollars.

  2. Bev Greunke

    Glad it’s you and not me in that traffic….I don’t even like to stop at Red Lights (but I do anyway) I’ve even been known to turn right on the red and take a different street, just to keep moving!! <3 Aunt Bev 🙂

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