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New breakfast cereals appear every once in a while. I used to try every new cereal as it came out. Lately, I’ve taken a longer-range view of such things. For instance, if a “Guardians of the Galaxy” cereal suddenly showed up on the shelves, and all it was was Chex-type cereal with some marshmallows in it, I probably wouldn’t be interested in trying it. First of all, not much thought has gone into such a cereal formulation. What it probably tastes like is Chex cereal with marshmallows. Secondly, that cereal is not going to be around long. If I were to like it, I would only be sad when it disappeared.

But if JIF were to make a new peanut butter flavored cereal, I would take notice. JIF is the brand of peanut butter I buy, and I do like peanut butter flavored cereal. It just so happens that JIF is making a peanut butter flavored cereal. I bought some.



When tasting it, I was mostly comparing it to Peanut Butter Crunch from Cap’n Crunch, because I eat that all the time. It seemed to be a little less sweet-tasting than Peanut Butter Crunch, but I would venture to say it was more peanut-buttery than PBC. It felt more dense in my mouth… that is, the cereal pieces seemed to have less air, but it did soak the milk up faster and become less crunchy than PBC.

I think that overall, this is a good cereal, but I prefer Peanut Butter Crunch.


  1. Lauren

    Ha! I was at the dollar store yesterday and saw a box of that and thought, “Brad would eat that.” Thank you for the Honest Cereal Review with Brad. I think this could become a regular feature.

  2. Carol

    “Watch these pages regularly for updates on mechanical or technological devices that have gone south recently, restaurants in the area to avoid, or the latest in garden and/or fish pond decor, among other topics of general interest.”

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