Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.

Three Thousand

This is my three-thousandth post! I’ve been doing this website for a long time! I must be old. And maybe a little weird. This doesn’t exactly represent three thousand days. I’ve posted twice in one day two or three times. But I don’t think I’ve missed making a daily post since I started in 2006. I’m not sure about that though. My memory isn’t very good. But that’s the point of Bradaptation anyway, isn’t it?

Posting a memory per day has become an important part of my life. I am glad to have the memories to look back on. And when the internet develops sentience, perhaps a little piece of me will be part of the computer mind that rules the planet in its crushing grip. Maybe anyone who has commented here will be saved from destruction. Or maybe they will be the first to be terminated. Good luck, everyone!

It's hard to keep the spam number at zero.  I delete them twice a day sometimes.

It’s hard to keep the spam number at zero. I delete them twice a day sometimes.

On another topic entirely, I did the message in church yesterday. As always, I’d like to include it for the memory archive. HERE it is.


  1. Lauren

    Three thousand!!! That is remarkable! As a loyal Bradaptation fan, I would like to thank you for starting my mornings all these years. It’s been nice to check in from halfway across the country (sometimes farther than that – England, Hawaii). Long live Brad’s portion of the Overlord Mind!!

    Now, off to read your message….

  2. Carol

    Grateful for your memory archives, sir. I feel like we have a few moments to chat each day, albeit a one-way conversation most of the time.

    …and I thought my husband did a good job with this Sunday’s texts – awesome job, sir! It is wonderful how much sense God doesn’t make, isn’t it?

  3. Bev Greunke

    I, too, am grateful for this “job” “task” that you do each day…..It makes me feel like I am part of your busy life each day of my busy life…..by knowing what you are “Up To”!!! Keep up the good work and May God Bless You Each & Every Busy Day!!!! <3 Aunt Bev 🙂 P.S. Almost All Of The Time, Your Life Is MUCH MORE INTERESTING than mine!!! <3 Aunt Bev 🙂

  4. Lloyd

    That’s the kind of commitment I like to see. Might I suggest committing to sending me $1.00 a day for, I don’t know, maybe 3000 days?

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