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Wet Marks the Spot

While it’s still warm outside, the bullfrogs in my pond still leave the water looking for food. Sometimes they really startle me when I open the door and they make squeaky noises while jumping in the water. Sometimes I anticipate their presence, and watch with amusement while they throw themselves into the pond.

Yesterday morning, I saw where one of them was sitting. He left a wet spot.

He jumped into the pond in one leap.

He jumped into the pond in one leap.

As the weather cools down, the frogs will bury themselves in the muck at the bottom of the pond and sleep for the winter. I wonder what it would be like to hibernate for months at a time. Maybe I’ll try it some day…


  1. Lauren

    Ha! It’s like you have pets, with none of the bother. (Except cleaning out a huge pond every so often.)

    At school we saw a couple of slugs crawling on the dying gourd plant after a rainy day. I know that they like wet weather, but where do they go when it’s dry?

    • Carol

      According to Yahoo answers (and they know EVERYthing), “they hide in damp places under tree bark, fallen logs, rocks, and man-made structures such as planters and so forth, in order to help retain body moisture. ” Like I even care about their extended well-being. Ick.

      [No charge.]

  2. Lloyd

    We hear frogs when we are “camping”. I’ll tell them to say hi to your frogs next time.

  3. Bev Greunke

    That Wet Spot is probably there because you scared it right out of him!!!! 🙂

    • Peggy

      Hehe…..yea Brad, you big bully!

      And if you do decide to give hibernation a try….may I suggest a nice, cozy cave….instead of the muck at the bottom of your pond (poor frogs, maybe you could build a little hotel down there)

  4. Carol

    Have you considered investing in amphibian Depends? Courtesy of http://www.doodlebuttdiapers.com/store/p76/Funny_Frogs.html

    Just a thought…

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