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Alternative Music

My CD player at school is malfunctioning. I listen to music every morning as I do my schoolwork, so I’d be in serious trouble if I didn’t have an alternative. As it turns out, I do have an alternative. My CD player also has a connection that my phone fits into.

Fortunately, I loaded many of my classical music CDs onto my phone before I went to Maui. I thought I might be teaching Music Appreciation there, so I wanted to have lots of music for appreciating.

Yesterday as I waited for handbells and choir practice, I listened to Beethoven’s 3rd and 9th symphonies. It’s nice working music.

The classical music albums dont have pictures.

The classical music albums dont have pictures.


  1. Carol

    You’ve just provided one “plus” for me ever abandoning my classic StupidPhone for any version of a smart one. [We know how attached I am to this 2007 model – may it never die!] Having suffered major tech issues at school yesterday* and – as you may know – with regularity, my boom box is the only machine that has worked faithfully, but one never knows when that tide will turn as well.

    * Can you say “Where the **** did all my lesson plans go?!?!” Praise God, Carbonite and Steve H., all is restored.

  2. Lauren

    Regina Spektor! That’s my kind of music. I…. appreciate…. classical music, but I must admit, it’s not my favorite. Kudos to you for having the depth of character to love it.

    – Shallow Lauren

  3. Peggy

    Unsolicited Commentary:

    I’ve never heard of Regina Spektor. I looked her up & I didn’t care for her singing. Never heard of Morgan Page either. Meh.

    I always get Kansas and Boston mixed up when I hear their songs on the radio. I think I prefer Kansas.

    I’m most surprised to see David Bowie in your repertoire.

  4. Dad Royuk

    Good to see you still enjoy listening to “real” music. 🙂
    Love, Dad

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