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Icy Hot

There was some freezing rain yesterday. It started falling around 11am, so an early dismissal was called for school. I left pretty quickly because I was worried traffic would get bad. But first I needed to stop at the grocery store for Carnation.

While I was shopping, I got the wild notion to cook. I haven’t cooked in ages. I got a roast. I made pot roast. It was delicious. I would cook more often, except it’s expensive and time consuming. I spent twenty-two dollars on this meal and it took two hours to make. I could get some nice barbecue from across the street in fifteen minutes for ten bucks.

Still, it was pretty tasty.

I should have moved the onions to show the roast.

I should have moved the onions to show the roast.


  1. Carol

    …but did you get more than one meal out of that roast, sir? That would seem to even out the time and expense factor. Congrats on the cooking experience!

    [We did a rolled pork roast last night ourselves – and I rarely cook either, but the early dismissal did provide time for cooking alrightee. Looks like yours was as yummy as ours!]

    • Brad

      I could eat it more than once, but I probably won’t. I always diligently wrap leftovers and put them in the refrigerator…. and then throw them away a week or two later on trash day.

  2. Lauren

    Wow! I am super impressed with you both! Icy weather must mean roast weather. We just got a light snow, does that mean…. chicken? 😉

  3. Lloyd

    The math works out for us because we just eat the same thing for the next 3 days.

  4. Bev Greunke

    Looks like Grandma used to make except for the baking dish. Her’s would have been in an dark blue enamel roasting pan with a lid (As would have mine…..and….Uncle Lyle would have licked the pan clean, he loved roast with potatoes & carrots) …… Looks Delish!!!! Thanks for the pleasant memories…… <3 Aunt Bev 🙂

    • Brad

      Hehe… I had trouble finding a pan large enough for my needs. I wrapped the top with foil to keep all the delicious juiciness in.

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