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More Snow

I’m off of school today. Snow was predicted for last night, then again for during the day. Predictions range from 4 inches to 10 inches by the time things are done. The weather predictions were pretty accurate for the last couple of weather events we’ve had, so schools and colleges called things off last night already. Even Peggy has a snow day! Woo hoo! Congratulations, Peggy!

I took a picture last night before the snow started. It was only raining. Maybe I’ll update as things progress today.

It was pretty late last night when I got home from church.

It was pretty late last night when I got home from church.

It was just rain first thing this morning. The snow came at midmorning. It is now 11:30am, and there is maybe an inch or two on the ground, and the snow is steadily falling. Current predictions say 4 to 7 inches by the end of things tonight.

Here is a picture update. I took it from the same position for comparison, but I have moved my truck so the snowplow guy can do the bank parking lot.

Overcast day.

Overcast day.

Another picture at 5:45pm. The snow has stopped. I’m not very good at judging inches of snow. Let’s just say it was more than one.

I shoveled a spot in case I needed to move my truck.  I didn't.

I shoveled a spot in case I needed to move my truck. I didn’t.


  1. Lauren

    Alright! While I am jealous, I also know that this is probably getting old for you. (Not you, Peggy. Totally happy for you!)

    I wonder what you’ll get done today? 😀

    • Brad

      Hehe… Let me guess…. Nothing?

      • Bev Greunke

        That’s My Godson!!!! 🙂

      • Lauren

        Ahhhh… Sweet nothing……

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