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Fun and Fright

Happy Friday the Thirteenth!

Some of the faculty from my school gathered for a happy hour yesterday. It was at a restaurant in nearby Ellicott City. I don’t remember ever visiting Ellicott City before. I knew it was old, but for some reason, it didn’t compute how old it was. It was founded in 1772, for goodness sakes!

The time with my co-workers was great. It reminded me of lunchtimes long past, where I sat at a table with a bunch of fast-talking women while I tried to get a word in whenever I could. When it was time for me to leave for handbell practice, I reached into my pocket to get my wallet, and it wasn’t there!

My co-workers covered my bill and I went back to school. On the way there, my heart was sinking because before I went into the restaurant, I took the following picture. When I pulled out my phone, my wallet must’ve fallen out onto the street. It was long gone. Dang.

Main Street

Main Street

When I got back to my classroom, I looked by my desk, just in case. My wallet was there! I texted Kayla to let everyone know I found it:

The front lens on my phone is always fuzzy.   Is that some kind of glamour-shot filter?

The front lens on my phone is always fuzzy. Is that some kind of glamour-shot filter?


  1. Lauren

    Whew!!! That must have been a huge relief!! I am so glad it wasn’t found by someone in that ancient town. They wouldn’t have known what to do with its modern technology. “This book has tiny, bendable glass windows that hold pieces of witchcraft! Burn it!!”

    • Deborah


  2. Gretchen

    Experiences like that make me understand the power of the message of the parables of the lost coin, sheep and son. Such a feeling of joy and relief!

    What I am saying is, “yes, I’ll come and rejoice with you…your wallet which was lost is now found!”

  3. Peggy

    Losing your wallet is heart thumping terror at its worst! So glad you found it!

    That picture of you sure shows your elation on finding it…..or…. does it show just how many ‘happys’ you had. (Were you able to ring without hitting yourself in the head?)

  4. Bev Greunke

    Yay for having your wallet……I’ve been there done that a lot in recent times (not being able to find “things”) …..With my ever changing & increasing memory loss……I know the feeling…..<3 Aunt Bev 🙂 P.S. Unfortunately, in these days, It's Not JUST my wallet!!! 🙂

  5. Lucy & Ethel

    Glad your friends stepped up & this didn’t happen to you:


  6. Carol

    1. I second everything Lauren said. Lost wallets are just about the worst thing ever…not counting stolen ones, which adds that extra level of personal violation. But I digress.

    2. Ha – ” lunchtimes long past, where I sat at a table with a bunch of fast-talking women while I tried to get a word in whenever I could.” No idea of whom you were speaking there.

    3. Isn’t EC fun? I’ve not been in ages – need to get back there soon; you’ve inspired me. [Just don’t go during/after heavy rain; it floods easily/often.]

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