Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.


After giving the message in church yesterday (HERE it is), I went to school and worked. I’ve been a little overwhelmed with paperwork lately. I was hoping to catch up. I’ve been so frustrated when I do school work lately, because it feels like I’m working a long time and getting little done. I decided to write down the times that I started each task. I wanted to see what was really going on.

I worked solid for three hours and fifteen minutes. When I write it down, it doesn’t seem like much time, but it wasn’t just working in the garden or cleaning a room. It was sustained concentration and will power. Yesterday, it seemed like an eternity. Writing my times worked. I didn’t waste any time at all, and I got my work done. I’m completely caught up! Woo hoo!

By the time I got home, I was mentally exhausted. I had some cereal, watched a little TV, and was in bed by 8pm. It feels good to be ready for the week. Hopefully things won’t pile up and overwhelm me again. One day at a time, Brad. One day at a time.

The paper in front is my time sheet.

The paper in front is my time sheet.


  1. Lauren

    One bite at a time. That’s the only way to eat that elephant. I’m glad you were so productive, and I’m sorry that this year is taking a bit of a toll. Next year is bound to be better, right? The first year will be under your belt and it won’t be all new. In the meantime, that time sheet was very smart and an 8 p.m. bedtime is even smarter.

    Off to read your message!

  2. Carol

    I’m proud of you, sir – this is my attack most Saturdays and I sleep better before Monday once I have invested the time in the week ahead.

    Makes ya’ wanna beat up those you giggle when they say “”Must be great teaching – only work 9-3 with summers off!”

  3. Peggy

    GREATmessage Brad!!

    And way to go on getting all caught up! If I could just get caught up at home….maybe I should try your timesheet with those tasks.

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