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Fragrant Flowers

I have many garden plants that have sweetly scented flowers. One of them is blooming now. It’s a viburnum bush. The flowers have a powerful scent. The sweetness is almost food-like. The bush is tall enough that some of the flower clusters are at nose height. When I got home from school yesterday, I just stood and drank in the fragrance. It was restorative. I felt like I could have run a marathon. I didn’t run a marathon, but I felt like it.

So delicious...

So delicious…

I have been trying to wait to post about my redbud trees. They are both full of buds. The white one has open flowers all over it, but is not yet in full bloom. The pink one has only a few branches where flowers are open. I enjoy seeing their progress from day to day. By the end of the week, they’ll be fully open. I can hardly wait!

Yesterday was trash day.

Yesterday was trash day.

Also, the beer cans are in bloom:

Who does this?

Who does this?

I can’t believe how much trash people throw on the ground. I also can’t believe how much of it ends up near or in my pond. Stupid litterers.


  1. Lauren

    How ironic that you had that beer can on Earth Day. Stupid litterers. I hope it bites them back in spades. We’re talking about taking care of the Earth at school and I love telling them that when we were little, lots of grown-ups were doing a rotten job taking care of it, so they told the kids about it with Woodsy Owl and the crying Indian, and they took care of it.

    Your flowers are gorgeous! The lilacs are in bloom around here, so everything also smells delicious. Mmmm… lilacs…..

  2. Carol

    Impoderables for today:
    1. Why are the white-budded trees not called Whitebuds, or the pink-budded treest not called Pinkbuds?
    2. Why do the petals of your viburnum bush remind me of a Lite-Brite-like toy I had when I was young? (Does anybody else know what I’m talking about? Thurman said his LiteBrites were nothing like that, but I have strong memories of pushing 4-petaled hard plastic colored pieces into the ground board…hmmm)
    3. Why did the litterers not leave you any of the valuable contents of that can before smashing it?! (Oh…yea…we’re Baltimorons; I forgot…)

  3. Bev Greunke

    Gorgeous…..The Blossoming trees are in full bloom here in Nebraska, too. I can’t smell them as I drive by, but they are BEAUTIFUL…..The Tulips & Phlox are Beautiful, too. I don’t know the names of anything else, but it’s ALL really “Showing Off” as Grandma Royuk would say!!! I’m headed off to volunteer in Fremont at an Eco/Recycling/Earth Day Event for local elementary students today. My table will be making bookmarks out of wallpaper sample books, greeting cards, magazine covers, etc. Other tables have professionals there explaining recycling, conservation, etc. and making jewelry from various things like pull-tabs from aluminum cans. Always fun to be around children!! Blessings On Your Day…..<3 Aunt Bev 🙂

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