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New Color

I worked in the garden yesterday! Woo hoo!

It has been warm enough that my pansies are starting to look a little ragged, so I decided it was time to take them out. I also decided that my new bedding plants would be all different colors and shapes. Usually, my plantings are more designed, but I just wanted to do a crazy assortment this time.

Shopping for flowers was fun. While I was out, I had my first snowball of the season. I went to my regular snowball stand. Michele’s daughter was working there!

Grape is my favorite.

Grape is my favorite.

Here is the planter with pansies:

Still colorful, but starting to fade.

Still colorful, but starting to fade.

And here is the planter without. I built the edges up a little and added mulch.

I like the taller edge.

I like the taller edge.

And here are the new flowers. They look thin for now, but will eventually be a little over-crowded. It was hard to restrain myself. I am most excited about the heliotrope and the alyssum, because they both have such sweet scents. This was also an opportunity for me to buy just one of certain flowers I haven’t tried before, just to see how they grow. I’m so excited!

There's not much pink, but I didn't realize until it was too late.

There’s not much pink, but I didn’t realize until it was too late.


  1. Lauren

    Fantastic! It looks like a day full of sunshine and color – just wonderful. I like the shadow in your snowball photo, too. Our shaved ice place is open now, but we are having such dreary weather it doesn’t sound appealing.

  2. Lloyd

    There are a lot of rocks in your garden.

  3. Bev Greunke

    Lookin’ Good……I Love The Pictures That You Post!!!

    We mad our annual “trek” to the Omaha Cemetery last night for honoring Grandpa & Grandma Max & Warvara Royuk (& baby Olga) There were 8 of us. Great evening!!!! Blessings On Your Sunday!!!
    <3 Aunt Bev 🙂

  4. Carol

    [Where did you bury the pansy bodies; did you have a service for them? 🙁 ]

    Nice before and after shots – and thanks for the reminder about Casey and the snowball stand; I’m craving and need to check that out some evening.

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