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The Princess and the Pea

Yesterday I didn’t have classes. I went in to school anyway and got some work done. While I was walking around, I felt something in my shoe. It was very uncomfortable. When I removed my shoe and shook the thing out, I was surprised by how small it was. It was a grain of sand I think. It looked like a single piece of salt.

I should have put it on the tip of my finger so you wouldn't have to look at a giant picture of my palm.

I should have put it on the tip of my finger so you wouldn’t have to look at a giant picture of my palm.


  1. Carol

    Come on already – you could feel THAT in your SHOE?! You definitely do have royal blood then, sir. Have to treat you with more respect from now on.

    [I once walked around for hours with one of those expanding clip-on ID tag holders in the toe of my most comfortable shoes – of course, I wondered why that foot was less comfortable than normal, but I kept going until I could take the shoe off at the end of the day and laugh at my ridiculousness.]

  2. Lauren

    Your title is perfect. Is this where the term ‘tenderfoot’ comes from?

  3. Beth

    That happened to me once. Something in my shoe…
    This was the culprit:


    • Beth

      Well crap. The pics didn’t load. They’re funny. I’ll email them to you…

      • Brad

        Here they are:

        A bloody toe:

        The tiny culprit:

        • Beth

          YAY!! Weird thing in my shoe… Apparently it runs in the family…

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