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A Feast for the Senses

My first day in Seward was very nice. After a leisurely morning, I walked to the Concordia bookstore to visit my mom. After chatting a bit, I walked to my parents’ house to visit with my dad. My walks were delightful. The air was full of fragrant flower scents. Among the strongest were white clover. When I walked past a lawn with clover, I would stop and drink in the sweet scent.



The other fun thing about my walks were how many squirrels were scolding me. It seemed like every other block I would heard the chittering of an angry squirrel. Were they telling me to stay away from them? Was it a more dire warning? If only I could speak squirrel…

The squirrels here are more red.  In Baltimore, they're more grey.

The squirrels here are more red. In Baltimore, they’re more grey.

I traveled by car in the afternoon. My dad and I joined my mom for lunch, then we drove around a bit, then hung out at their house.

I ended the evening at Sam and Rachel’s house for a lovely barbecue and a new game called Small World. The game-play was slow because the learning curve was pretty steep. If we play again, it will go much more smoothly.


  1. Lauren

    Whenever I read about how you love to smell obscure pretty things, I freak out about our old house and its many weird smells. I’m so sorry.

    I be your parents were so happy to see you! What a great kick-off to your time in Seward. 🙂

  2. Carol

    Apparently, you have not yet seen this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiCxQxgBqsI Might be helpful on your next walk through the area where there are squirrels….or not….

    ..and why is it when our backyard is covered in white clover I either smell nothing different or……dog packages? (Oh…..yea…..”clean up in aisle 4!”)

  3. Bev Greunke

    Your Smelling “SENSORY” Recognition Abilities Amaze Me!!!! A Special Blessing God Gave You knowing you would use & appreciate it more than me or anyone else!!!! (^_^)

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