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Winey Friends

Yesterday’s post seemed to be a little confusing because it said “Today is my last full day in Nebraska.” I’m usually reporting on what happened the previous day, so it seemed like some people thought I was traveling back yesterday. I wasn’t. I’m still in Nebraska this morning. I fly out at 1pm.

Yesterday I tried to pack up a little, but I also tried to hang out with people. I did a little Minecraft with Tara and Tim, had dinner with my parents, then went to another winery with a bunch of friends.

The winery visit was fun. It’s called Junto Winery. It’s the closest winery to Seward, which was nice. It’s also in a beautiful setting. It was a great place to hang out with friends, drink wine, and talk.

I love Nebraska's big skies.

I love Nebraska’s big skies.

Art shot!

Art shot!

There was some unusual entertainment last night. A group of men dressed as nuns lip-synched a bunch of songs. It was strange, but the songs they did were fun.

This was a song from Sister Act.

This was a song from Sister Act.

They closed at nine, so we all left at the same time and everyone posed for a group shot:

Good friends.

Good friends.


  1. Carol

    Thanks for clearing up my confusion about yesterday – glad to see the usual flaming plane photo today then. 😉

    Did the “nuns” do “Salve Regina”? In the beginning it’s absolutely beautiful – then they break into the energetic fun part and that’s good, too. Just curious….

    Your family visits wineries a lot – have you noticed this? The first thing is to recognize you have a problem…….

    • Brad

      They were singing Salve Regina when I took the picture 🙂

  2. Deborah

    I’m surprised that last picture turned out as well as it did. It was pretty dark. Have a safe trip!

  3. Lauren

    Aw, I am glad you had such a nice time with everyone. Everyone else, that is. 😉

    Thanks for coming to Seward and watching the cats. Travel safely!!

  4. Kristi

    Good wine! Ben Franklin had something to do with Junto, right?

    • Brad

      Yes he did. There was a whole explanation on the tables at the winery. Junto was a club for braniacs that Ben Franklin started. I’m sure if I lived at the time he did, he would have invited me 😉

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