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Good-bye Party

Today is my last full day in Nebraska. Since my time is coming to an end, my family gathered for a cookout at Brent’s house. There are a lot of detasselers staying at Brent’s, so it was a big party. The food was great, and hanging out with family was even better. I laughed a lot.

When I was in college, I got a tandem bicycle for Christmas. It had been sitting in Lloyd and Lauren’s shed for a long, long time. Brent recently took responsibility for it and got it in working order. I’m glad that it is being used. Last night, I wanted to take it for a ride for old times’ sake. First Tara joined me, then Beth.

Our ride was short.  Steering is hard.

Our ride was short. Steering is hard.

It's a weird sensation.

It’s a weird sensation.

At the end of the evening, my dad suggested we get a family picture. It’s been a while. How fun to be all together. I love my family!


  1. Kim

    I love the picture of you and your family, so glad you had a wonderful time in Nebraska. Family time is the best!

  2. Carol

    Aw! Very sweet pictures today….

    What?!?! Something is wrong, though. I do not see the usual flaming plane in descent snapshot today – or does that, by all rights, wait until the next posting, even though by then you might conceivably actually be home? Whichever, safe journey back; “don’t lose your luggage or your lunch”.

  3. Deborah

    Great family picture!

  4. Lauren

    The family picture is well-proportioned: tallest at the ends. Well done!

    I am so glad that the bike is in a good home where it gets some use. You guys look great riding on it! All those years it sat in our shed and I never once sat on it.

    Seward is going to miss you, Brad. Some of us already do.

  5. Bev Greunke

    Awesome Family (& the picture is, too)…..Blessings To You For Safe Uneventful Travels…..Thanks for taking time out of your BUSY FULL schedule to include a visit to Arlington!! Blessings & Love, Aunt Bev đŸ™‚

  6. Peggy

    Excellent pictures…all of them!! Love the one with you & Beth on the bike….and the family shot too of course.

    Enjoy your last day in NE! Geez, you’ve had such a whirlwind of awesome activity this past month……it’s hard to believe your summer vacation is only 1/2 over. Grrr….I mean….Yay!

  7. Kristi

    Tandem bikes are so much fun!!! One summer we rented a recumbent tandem bike when Jerome’s family together, and it was great…. until you came to a big hill.

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