Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.


Yesterday was our beginning-of-school picnic. We had it at the same location as last year. It was a really good turnout. This year, instead of moving around a lot and speaking to lots of different parents, I found myself in long conversations with just a few of them. I really enjoyed it.

I learned that one mom just started singing with a band. They needed a lead singer, and asked her to do it. She has sung at several events already, and has really liked it.

I also talked with one of the dads for a while. He is originally from Ethiopia, and had many interesting things to say about living in America, and especially living on the east coast.

The kids loved playing on the tire playground again. It was different than last year in that more of the kids knew me. It was fun to walk the playground have have them say ‘hi’ to me.

It was horribly hot and humid.

It was horribly hot and humid.


  1. Lauren

    Again, I think that play area is amazing! You say that is was hot and humid, though, so it might be more amazing if you had this picnic inside an Embassy Suites, with the air conditioning cranked way up.

  2. Dad Royuk

    The diversity and talent found amongst parents can be amazing. Playing off of that fact could be very useful in some classes……especially considering the background most would have compared to white America. You are so good in that area and the kids would love it. Have a God-blessed Friday and weekend, son Brad!

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