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Herculean Struggle

I worked at school yesterday. It was weird. I had a terrible time getting started, and a terrible time staying on task. It was one of the hardest exercises of willpower I’ve experienced. I don’t understand why it was such a big deal. I just had some papers to grade, but from my brain’s reaction, you would think I was facing one of the most difficult struggles of my life.

It took me about two hours to actually get started. During that time (and afterward), I was distracted by anything and everything.

One distraction was George and Gino. I put them together on Friday. They acted hostile to one another, so I was a little worried I would come into my room and discover damaged gerbils. I didn’t. They were sleeping together. The internet says that means they have accepted one another.



Another distraction: My nose was running because I was drinking so much hot coffee. I had to blow my nose a lot. I was using some tissues a student brought in. They were called “cool touch”. It was quite disturbing. They did feel cool. And wet. Each time I used them, I was startled.

I prefer regular.

I prefer regular.

I got most of my grading done and got the grades online, but by the end of my time at school, my face was hurting from being so scrunched up all the time. I also had a headache. What the heck was going on? Why did I have to concentrate so much? Why was my brain being so melodramatic? Hopefully it was an aberration.


  1. Gretchen

    It was the super moon. You should be fine until 2033.

  2. Lauren

    I’m sorry, but I did laugh at your face being scrunched up for so long. I am SOOO impressed that you stuck with it and didn’t just chuck the whole thing! That is true dedication!!

    By the way, those gerbils are the cutest thing in the whole wide world. If you ever need to rename them, please go with Lil’ Ralph and Lil’ Wally.

  3. Peggy

    Was ‘aberration’ on the vocabulary quiz/test you were grading?

    (If it’s any consolation, I always hem & haw and look for anything to do…anything….to put off doing something I don’t really want to do.)

  4. Carol

    You hang with middle schoolers too often – hence the tendency toward procrastination. Hazard of the vocation. Congrats on no bloodshed in the gerbil cage, not to mention conquering grading on a Sunday. (I was lesson planning and doing laundry at home, as our network was purposely down for rebuilding all weekend. Could always be worse…) Scritches to Gino and George – happy snuggling, guys!

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