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I was working at my desk before school yesterday, when there was a loud thump on the window next to me. I thought it was someone throwing something at the window so I could let them in or something, but when I looked at the window, I realized a bird had run into it:

A few feathers left behind.

A few feathers left behind.

I looked out the window, and there was a bird sitting on the lawn below. It looked kind of like a sparrow, but it was big. It was sitting in the grass looking stunned. It didn’t leave for quite a while, but later in the school day when I looked out, it was gone. It was in a protected area, so I assume it flew away and was not taken by a cat or fox.

All I can say is, I’m glad the sixth graders weren’t there when it happened. Some of them scream ear piercing screams any time something unexpected happens:
“I dropped my pencil! EEEEEEEE!”
“I turned around and you were behind me! EEEEEEEE!”
“I went to the next page in the book, and there is a picture of a lion! EEEEEEEE!”


  1. Lloyd'sCousinSam

    So the EEEEEEEEEE! infection isn’t contained to just Nebraska?

  2. Lauren

    Ha! Thank you both for putting a funny spin on a sad event.

    Poor little bird – I hope it is either all the way better or quickly eaten by a larger animal, emphasis on ‘quickly’.

  3. Carol

    1. Kudos to the window-cleaning squad at Emmanuel if birds don’t see the glass.

    2. Our students scream when I fail to unplug the external speaker used during video watching before the end-of-class bell rings. No idea why that frightens them – think they just enjoy the act of EEEEEEEEEEEEE-ing. I feel your pain…

    3. …but not the pain that bird must have felt. Ow – that’s gonna leave a mark, and not just on your window.

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