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Walking and Resting

I slept in yesterday, then sat around for a while. It felt kind of slothful, so I decided to walk to the grocery store to get sugar, salt, and gallon zip bags. The grocery store is right next to my old gym, so it would be a familiar walk – thirty minutes long.

The walk was quite pleasant. It was warm… almost too warm for the jacket I was wearing. As I passed the Walgreens, there was a guy sitting outside smoking. He said: “Happy Holidays”, but it sounded an awful lot like “Happy Hunger Games”. I said: “You too,” but I should have said: “May the odds be ever in your favor.”

I got my sugar and my freezer bags, but the store didn’t have the kind of salt I was looking for. I was trying to get iodized sea salt. I got some a while ago, but I don’t remember where. I’ll have to keep looking.

Hello, Harford Road.

Hello, Harford Road.

I spent the rest of the day relaxing at home, and I didn’t feel bad about it at all. As I sat watching TV and browsing the internet, a tightness unraveled in my head. Many long-term lesson plan decisions that have been vexing me came clear, and the next months laid themselves out before me. I think this “relaxing” thing might actually be of benefit in getting work done.


  1. Lauren

    Iodized sea salt, eh? That sounds like something that could be concocted – what with you living near an ocean and all. Either that or it’s at a T.J. Maxx/Home Goods store.

    I like how you describe your day of relaxing, even though it made me a little worried that one day helped you so much. You must be under a BUNCH of stress. Yikes.

    • Brad

      It wasn’t the one day. I haven’t been in school since Tuesday. My brain has had a while to work on my planning issues, and was probably trying to tell me what it figured out. Yesterday I was still enough to listen to it.

      • Lauren

        Awesome. By the way, your writing has been inspired lately. 🙂

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