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For a long time now, my bathroom sink had been slow draining. I’d tried lots of remedies: hot water, vinegar and baking soda, multiple store-bought chemicals drain cleaners… nothing affected it. It was so frustrating, because even just the short time I ran the water to spit toothpaste into the sink, the water backed up and I had toothpaste foam sticking in my sink.

It suddenly stopped a week ago. I have no idea why, but my sink now drains normally. I am so happy, because now my sink looks so much cleaner – no backup, no soap suds, no toothpaste foam. But I’m also a little worried. Why so suddenly did it fix itself? Does it mean the problem is fixed, or does it mean it has somehow invisibly gotten worse?

Such a pleasure to spit in.

Such a pleasure to spit in.


  1. Lauren

    Huh. That is a mystery. My guess is that the clog became self-aware and has gone away to supervillain training. Watch your back.

  2. Dad Royuk

    I think the sewer rat got stuck and could go no further. When he got unstuck, your drain opened.

  3. Carol Frey

    Why am I picturing a pipe rupture somewhere down the line there….?

    Hoping I am wrong.

  4. Bev Greunke

    Be Thankful For The Little Things In Life!! 🙂

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