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Something Different

When you take the same route to and from work each day, you get used to how things look along the way. Over time, the commute seems a little shorter, because instead of one long jump from point A to point B, it’s a series of shorter jumps from landmark to landmark.

“There’s the house with the stained glass window”
“There’s the giant pothole in the road.”
“There’s the stoplight that is never green when I approach it”

Yesterday on my way home, one of the intersections I pass through every day looked weird. It was too bright, and the color of the light was off. Instead of a yellowish light, it was white.

As I waited for the turn arrow, I looked up at the streetlights. They had been replaced! It happened yesterday between the time I went to school and the time I came back. How interesting.

They are now led lights. Quite bright, and quite white.

Perring and Taylor


  1. Deborah

    Seward has done this in some parts of town. I think they’re almost too bright. It’s nighttime, after all.

    • Beth

      Especially the one that is approximately 23 feet from our bedroom window.

      • Bev Greunke

        Your Eyes Are Supposed To Be Closed When You Are In Bed!!! Blessings & Love, Aunt Bev 🙂

  2. Lauren

    I wonder if they are the same ….. wattage? (Am I using that right?) You guys are right, they can be very, very bright. I feel the same about the super-bright car headlights. When one comes up behind me I worry about being abducted by aliens.

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