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Repairing the Porch, Day Eight

After I went to church yesterday, I stayed to work at church a little while. I am the Storyteller in VBS this year. I am excited about it! The first order of business is to make my storytelling room look like a cave. I got a good start, then headed out for some supplies. I’ll finish decorating this morning. VBS starts at 9am, so I have lots of time.

When I got home, Karl and I talked about the next step. On Saturday, we had already determined how to cut the 45 degree joints and set them with some temporary screws.



The tricky thing is that the whole porch slopes away from the house to shed water. That means the 45 degree cuts also have to have a small undercut to them so the boards don’t form a ridge when pressed together. Brent and Karl and I figured out how to do those cuts on Saturday. Yesterday, Denis and I reproduced the cutting method and cut the rest of the joint boards.

Looking nice!

Looking nice!

We only had to do a couple more straight cuts to have enough boards to dry-fit the rest of the porch, so we did it. Then we cleaned up the work area and put all the tools away. After we leaned the old railings in place, and the porch almost looked normal.

I don't have the new railings yet.

I don’t have the new railings yet.

Karl and I are taking a day off today. I’ll be able to use the extra time to prep for VBS.


  1. Lauren

    Yay!! It is so wonderful how well this has gone. You started a huge project and are getting it done. That is inspirational, sirs.

    You must be doing Cave Quest for VBS? The songs can be found online and are crazy catchy. Have fun with it, Mr. Storyteller!

  2. Carol

    So now Denis is enlisted to help as well?! You know how to build a work crew in the 11th hour, I see! Hi, Denis – how’s NYC? And what, pray tell, has Gus been charged with during this project? [Perhaps just keeping vermin away while you work?]

    VERY glad to hear you are taking a breather today in light of the anticipated heat and humidity. ‘Course, morning VBS this week ought to aggravate anyone’s respiratory system anyway. (Ours is the first full week of August – I’m guessing we won’t fare any better…and I have the cushy “snack lady” job, being indoors all day in the kitchen. No heat-generating stoves will be used in the making of any snacks if I have anything to say about it!)

    • Deborah

      I’m always the snack lady at VBS, too. Although the kitchen is one of the hottest places for us. But it’s a great job. Who doesn’t like food?

      Have fun storytelling, Brad!

  3. Bev Greunke

    It Looks Great!! 🙂

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