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Blooming Caesalpinia

I’m not getting into my garden much these days, but yesterday when I got home I had to take a quick walk-through. After a long dry spell, we’ve had rain the last couple of days. The flowers love it.

I was most excited to see that my caesalpinia pulcherrima is blooming. This is only a preview of what next summer will be like. If it survives the winter, and I have confidence that it will, it will be larger and more branched. It will also have more blooms. For now, I will enjoy the one bloom spike I have.

It's much bigger than when I planted it.

It’s much bigger than when I planted it.

The flowers were wilting for the day, but they were still pretty.

The flowers were wilting for the day, but they were still pretty.


  1. Lauren

    Wow! That flower looks like a firework. Very cool. The leaves are also so symmetrical – like how a child would draw leaves. (An older child than a preschooler, of course.)

  2. Elaine Royuk

    That is one crazy flower! Isn’t God creative?

  3. Debbie Fettig

    The leaves make me think of a mimosa tree! Neato flower! It’s like an easter egg hunt when you find a new bloom outside huh?! Love it!

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