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Ice Ice Babies

There’s a small planter at my school that has become a little wild. It mostly has black-eyed susans in it, which is awesome, But it also has some bare spots, and those are filling with weeds.

I should have pulled out that maple tree.

I should have pulled out that maple tree.

When I weeded my garden last week, I also cleaned up my sedum bed. I ended up pulling some ice plant out. I saved it and planted in the planter at school.

We’ve had some gentle rain the last few days, which has been just perfect. The ice plant cuttings have become well-established. There will be a nice groundcover in the bare spots, and beautiful pink flowers.

The ice plant is the fleshy leaves in the middle of the picture.  It gets its name from the sparkly surface of the leaves.

The ice plant is the fleshy leaves in the middle of the picture. It gets its name from the sparkly surface of the leaves.


  1. Lauren

    See? This is why I’ll never be a gardener. How on earth could you tell the difference in the plants that are in that garden bed, let alone their names? It’s like a superpower.

    What’s that blue barrel for?

    • Brad

      That’s a rain barrel. It catches gutter water to use later for watering the garden. It was put there by a previous teacher and has fallen into disuse.

  2. Kristi

    Plants love rain water. My dad used to put buckets by all the gutters whenever it would rain.

  3. Carol

    Very cool! (…ya’ see what I did there? “ice ice”…cool…well, anyway, nicely done, sir.)

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