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The book we just finished reading in Literature class has so many similarities to Karate Kid, I just had to show it in class: a “master” takes an “orphan” under his wing, themes of hard work and perseverance, even in the face of demoralizing difficulty… I love it!

I had a hard time deciding whether to show the older version or the newer version, but finally settled on the older one. It’s been fun seeing the reaction from the kids as they watch it. The movie came out in 1984. I was 14. I didn’t realize how formative this movie was for me. Watching it is like watching my own teenage years (though I was never a kid from Newark to moved to L.A. and got beat up by schoolmates and learned karate from an old master)

In 1984, I was almost Daniel's age.  Now, I'm almost Miyagi's.

In 1984, I was almost Daniel’s age. Now, I’m almost Miyagi’s.


  1. Lauren

    Wait. You weren’t a kid from Newark who to moved to L.A. and got beat up by schoolmates and learned karate from an old master? This changes my whole perception of you.

    I dearly hope you see a rash of attempted/failed crane kicks outside. Those always end well. 😉 (Speaking from experience)

  2. Lloyd

    I have a great lesson plan for The Karate Kid somewhere. I did it when we had a big bullying push in middle school some years ago. The kids just didn’t know how to bully right.

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