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Saturday night I sweated a lot. I couldn’t decide if it was a fever or if I just had blankets that were too warm. By the end of church, I could tell – it was a fever. I’m sick. I used to never get sick, and now I get debilitating illnesses regularly. I must be getting old. After church, I went home and slept and sweated all day. At 7pm, I risked a quick trip to the ABC Store for some Tylenol. I was hoping it would make my fever feel better.

I’m not sure if it did, because I’m typing this last night right after I took the Tylenol. I hope the night passes restfully. Ugh.


  1. Lauren

    Dang it. As I type this, it is 1 in the morning for you. I pray that you are sleeping soundly and the fever is going away.

    Dang. I’d make an ‘island fever’ joke, but I just want you to get well.

  2. Carol

    There may indeed be different microbes where you are now to which your body is not yet accustomed. Maybe this means you are building immunity this week and won’t get sick at all during the school year now – there’s a thought to hang onto!

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