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Please keep Peggy in your prayers today. She’s having surgery on a neck disc.


I tried to go without cable, but it’s been weird. I keep watching the same DVDs over and over. I’ve streamed a few things, but I just really missed TV. Among other things, it’s welcome background noise.

So it feels like defeat, but I got a cable box yesterday.

Superman was on.

Superman was on.

Problem is, they did not give me a DVR. They just gave me a regular cable box. I looked at the papers, and it said “DVR”. Dang. Now I have to go back to the cable place…


  1. Lauren

    Ugh. I am sorry you have to make a repeat trip. Maybe they’ll cut you a deal because they messed up?

    But on the flip side, hooray for television!!! I think it is a fine purchase – call it daily relaxation therapy. There, now it’s a tax write-off. (I think.)

  2. Lauren

    I forgot to say I was praying for Peggy!

  3. Debbie Fettig

    Getting cable and keeping it going is never a one stop deal! I think they leave things out on purpose to make you come back so then they can try to sell you something else to go with your package!! Last box we got they didn’t’ activate……Mark worked on it for hours, called CS and trouble shot over the phone and finally had to call somebody to come out and the guy walked in and hit his little device to activate it and it was done. yes. I asked Mark, did you punch him? HA

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