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A Long Trip to Lincoln

After sleeping in, we went to Lincoln! Yay! My main goal was to get some new teacher shoes. I wanted something more comfortable. I also had several side goals: get a long-handled shoe horn, get a Nebraska calendar, get a Swarovski Christmas ornament, and walk through the mall a lot.

Before we started shopping, we stopped for lunch. I was so excited! The restaurant had iced tea. It was just black tea – no flavorings or sweeteners. I haven’t yet found a restaurant in Maui that serves un-flavored black tea.

I savored every sip.

I savored every sip.

The mall visit was successful… almost too successful. It was satisfying to find everything on my list the first time I looked for it, but it wasn’t fun. I like a little hunting before I find what I’m looking for.

My wish to go mall-walking was fulfilled almost without trying. I did request to stop in a few specific stores. One of them was the western clothing store. There is nothing like it in Maui, or indeed in almost any other place. It was amazing!

So many boots...

So many boots…

I came home with some comfortable and good-looking shoes, a long-handled shoe horn, a Nebraska calendar, and a Swarovski Christmas ornament. I also got a fun game for my classroom. Yay!

Oh, and I also got a hat that matches one Tim got, so that if we want to wear them for the comic-con in 2017 together, we can. It will be the 50th anniversary of Star Wars.

I would not normally wear dark side clothing, but it matches Tim, and it is pretty cool looking.

I would not normally wear dark side clothing, but it matches Tim, and it is pretty cool looking.

Our last stop was Shopko. It’s a regional store that is like Walmart or Target. I was so happy to stop there. Shopko is an essential part of the Lincoln experience. Tim was happy to stop at Shopko because he found a giant teddy bear and got it with some money Grandma gave him for Christmas.

His name is Mr. Bear, and he is giant.

His name is Mr. Bear, and he is giant.


  1. Lauren

    Huh. I didn’t think about how it was a super-successful quest. Maybe we can think of one more unattainable thing that you need. How about…….. hmmmm…. I am not good at this.

  2. Carol

    Can’t get over how big Tim is now…then I noticed – we have the same T-shirt! [Well, I probably have a second shirt, as I don’t recall mailing mine to him or anything, but it is the same style NASA shirt!] Does this make me a distant relative or something?

    Hope Tim never has to travel on an airplane with Mr. Bear, ‘cuz I wager he’d have to have his own ticket and seat – that’s huMONGous!

  3. Debbie

    Oh da dear, that’s a big bear! I thought it was somebody in a bear suit when I first quickly looked at the pic before reading! I bet Beth LOVES the giant bear too! My grandparents gave me a huge (or so I thought) pink bear when I was little……it would look like a gummy bear compared to Tim’s bear! Good for him to buy something so grandiose! The bear could be his bed!

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