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Beauty and the Beast

The flowers at church are often from someone’s garden, as was the case yesterday. But I couldn’t believe the flowers that were in there. It was an amaryllis stalk! The flowers were beautiful, but I couldn’t believe someone cut it.

Amaryllis plants only bloom once per year, and they only have one bloom stalk. The donor gave up an entire year’s worth of flowers so our sanctuary could be beautified. So generous!

The flowers were big and beautiful.

The flowers were big and beautiful.

In other news, Diane found a scorpion in the teacher workroom at school yesterday. Ack! She sent me a picture of it:

I think the tiles in the room are 12 inch tiles, so the scorpion wasn't giant at least.

I think the tiles in the room are 12 inch tiles, so the scorpion wasn’t giant at least.

She also sent some instructions:

If you ever find one, always cut the tail off with the scissors first. Otherwise it will try to sting you.

I think I need to start carrying a pair of scissors wherever I go…


  1. Deborah

    Hawaii is becoming less and less attractive.

    • Lauren

      Agreed. It’s like nature is trying to find the balance: extreme beauty and extreme horror.

      Once again, I nominate Diane for warrior status! I want her on my team when the zombie apocalypse comes. She’ll know just what to do.

      With scissors.

  2. Kristi

    That is a stunning color of amaryllis.

    I see a scissors theme in your posts. Apparently others are skilled with it, too, as the amaryllis had to be cut somehow.

  3. Diane Wilson

    Hi Lauren! I wish I could accept warrior status, but there are things that freak me out…snakes for example!! Thankfully, we do not have snakes in Hawaii! Someday, I will get a photo of a cane spider. They are as big as your hand and fast! However, they do NOT bite!

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