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Unit Cost

I use a lot of cleaning wipes in my classroom, so I frequently need to re-stock. Yesterday I stopped to get some, and was trying to get the best value for my money. They come in a lot of differently-sized containers with different prices. I just used my phone to divide the price by the number of wipes to find the price-per-wipe.

The best value was surprising – it was the smallest containers in a multi-pack. Just above them on the shelf were the biggest containers, but they were fifty-six cents more expensive. I’m pretty sure six smaller containers means more plastic in the landfill than two larger containers, so I did hesitate a little, but some day it will make the landfill-miners glad to find more complex petrochemical compounds in their haul.

I got two three-packs.

I got two three-packs.


  1. Lauren

    Ha! Your logic and calculations break my heart, but it’s true. WHY, companies? WHY? It makes no sense!


  2. Lloyd

    It is always cheaper per ounce to buy the single smaller size speed-stick deodorant than to buy the 2-pack of the larger size at The Wal-Marts. It used to upset me each time I would see it. Now I consider it a tax on people to dumb or lazy to do the math. I like to think that the extra profit from the larger size goes to subsidize my stinky needs.

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