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A Bunch of Halfway

It’s hard to post about unpacking progress, because I never finish anything.

There is a soft spot on my lanai floor, and I was going to address it somehow, but every idea takes lots of time or money or both. Instead, I just moved all my plants out there and sort of put them in temporary places. Until now, the plants were all by my front door, which is against condo association rules. So at least the plants are on the lanai, but until I fix or cover the soft spot on the floor, everything’s just a jumble out there.

I was going to post my desk/table thing on Craigslist and replace it with a rug so I would have a shoe-taking-offing station, but I decided to list it for money instead of free, and no one answered for hours. I changed it to “free”, and got five responses in the first fifteen minutes. But no one can come until tomorrow. Dang.

My middle bedroom is the guest room. I’ve put the two twin beds in there. I decided I wanted to turn them the other way, but that required a bunch of box-moving. After I got them in place, I decided that I think I want the tall bed by the window so Gus can look out during the day. But it was late, and I didn’t want to make scraping noises for my neighbors below.


  1. Lauren

    Middle bedroom? Do you have three?

    Halfway is good enough. That’s my thought. 🙂

  2. Lauren

    Nope. All two bedroom. I answered my own question.

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