Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.


Yesterday was a sight-seeing day. We decided to see the Griffith Observatory. It’s a beautiful building, it’s up on a hill, and I recognized it as being in a Charlie’s Angels movie.

The observatory opened at noon, so we spent a little time driving to the ocean to look at the view. We didn’t stop, so I don’t have a picture of the ocean, but I did get a picture of the Trump golf course when we drove by:

The drive to the observatory took more than an hour, and that was even with no traffic. LA is really spread out! We drove past downtown. I kept wondering where that triangle-shaped building was that is in all the movies, but Denis told me that was in San Francisco.

We got to the observatory at 12:10. The internet said that was ten minutes after it opened. ALL the parking was full. The only way to get there was park, then hike a LONG way. We decided not to go. I got a picture as we drove by:

As it turned out, we were right next to LA’s Filipino town. We stopped at a Filipino restaurant and had lunch.

By the time we got back, it was late afternoon. We made a couple of stops for sundries, then went home. I leave this morning for Maui. I hope this flight is smoother than my last…

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  1. Lauren

    Rats. Sorry about the observatory, but I think you made the right call. If it was already that full, you would have done a lot of standing around and waiting. Besides, you got to eat that delicious lunch! That looks so scrumptious!

    I am praying for a smoother flight for you. What’s the flight number?

    • Brad

      Thank you :).
      American #271

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